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COVID-19 Recovery 2021 - Wave 1

Recovery Wave 1

IMI NextWaveTM COVID-19 report, Recovery 2021 Wave 1. This wave provides trending from over 1MM people since February across 39 countries and current insight collected January 2021 from 100,000+ people ages 13+.

  • Section 1: Global trending of estimated end date, personal health and financial health

  • Section 2: Intention to return to Activities: currently, without full vaccination, requiring full vaccination

  • Section 3: Future of LIVE - Intention: Momentum with reopening: Events, community, and travel

  • Section 4: Date people will return: family & friends, travel destinations, travel mode, events, restaurants

  • Section 5: Case Studies 2021 Playbook V8

  • Section 6: 2021 Recovery W1 - i) What 'excites' people in 2021 and ii) Purchase drivers in the world of Recovery.

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Steve Bucovetsky

Steve Bucovetsky
VP, Consumer Insights

Steve Bucovetsky, VP Consumer Insights, IMI

With over 20 years of experience in both the marketing and insights space, along with an MBA from the Schulich School of Business, Steve Bucovetsky brings a wealth of knowledge to this account base and to the greater team at IMI International. Steve has a wealth of experience, actively engaging in the development, measurement and optimization of thousands of marketing activations across 80 categories spanning 20+ countries, collaborating with a diverse range of both well-known and niche brands. Steve’s passion shines through across all facets of the business, always, with a clear focus on IMI’s core purpose of INSIGHT.DRIVING.PROFIT.

IMI International

IMI is a global research and consulting firm focused on Insights Driving Profits.

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Toronto, ON